It's a Sign 001
44"X44" C-Print, Dibond, 2013
In North American history, early colonial explorers sailed across oceans to discover 'new' lands, leaving flags rooted to a spot as declarations of self-derived ownership. For the past industrialized capitalist century, in lieu of flags, advertising billboards are being left behind; acting as heavy urban footprints alongside paved roads, etched into the surrounding landscapes.
It's a Sign presents individual portraits of outdoor signage, devoid of their original consumer messages, made blank over time. Portrayed as solitary portraits on location within landscapes, they bring to question: What do they currently represent? What is nature/natural?
Though the signs stand in symmetrical contrast to their surrounding environment's 'natural' disorder, they are washed clean by that very disorder, potentially creating a call for new beginnings.
It's a Sign 002
It's a Sign 003
It's a Sign 004
It's a Sign 005
It's a Sign 006